Licensing Activities
RSA will write your complete radioactive materials license application, amendment, or renewal, and provide all documentation. Our staff works with the regulatory agency on your behalf throughout the process. Our experience helps you avoid pitfalls and errors throughout the process. We can arrange for instrument calibration, waste disposal, survey documentation, record keeping, personnel dosimetry, and more!
Procedure Writing
RSA will write or revise your procedures and other technical documents in clear, precise, and logical language. We have successfully written thousands of procedures, manuals and other documents–for ourselves and for others. Rely on our dedicated team of experts to save you time and energy.
Program Appraisal and Regulatory Compliance
RSA’s qualified and experienced health physicists will review all aspects of your radiation protection program and compare it to existing or proposed regulations, requirements, industry standards, or from a “good practices” perspective. You receive a full written report, along with recommendations for program modifications to ensure compliance.
Respiratory Protection is one of our specialties–we authored the NRC’s NUREG/CR-0041 “Manual of Respiratory Protection Against Airborne Radioactive Material” in 2001–and we are uniquely qualified to evaluate your respiratory protection program and help you meet requirements for compliance.
Staff Augmentation Services
RSA’s staff is your staff! We can act as supplemental members of your staff–providing health physics services to supplement your staff when additional qualified personnel are needed. We can assume health physics or radiation safety officer duties, mentor novice staff members to meet qualification requirements, or participate as members of your radiation safety committee, feasibility study, or investigation team.